Category: Projects

Innovative Off-Grid Access to Healthcare

Project Aim: Develop and test a new method for improving access to healthcare for unserved Maasai communities in Northern Tanzania , using human-centred design methods for community impact, developing an innovative method to help remote patients get access to quality healthcare at a lower cost to health authorities than building and staffing new hospitals. Outcome: We …

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Sustainable Minigrids in Lesotho

This project was carried out in collaboration with local offgrid energy company MOSCET, the National University of Lesotho, and technical lead Gram Oorja, an experienced community minigrid and rural technology company based in India. This project was funded by InnovateUK, the UK’s Innovation Agency. At a national electrification rate of 41%, Lesotho lags behind its …

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ILRI Mzima (Trypanosomiasis-resistant) Cow Programme

Trypanosomiasis is one of the most significant constraints to cattle production in Africa. The disease directly affects livestock productivity (meat and milk production), and indirectly lowers crop productivity as cattle play a crucial role as farm labour, which means that in the absence of livestock resource-poor farmers are dependent on the heavy work of hand …

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Smart Villages Initiative

The Challenge Unfortunately it is a fact that, in the world in 2012, a staggering 1.3 billion people had no access to electricity. Now the numbers are better, but still 800 million people face this situation. In addition, 3 billion are still cooking on dangerous and inefficient stoves. Many of them live in remote rural …

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B4FA Media Fellowship Programme

For the majority of people, the main exposure to scientific and technological advances after formal education occurs mainly, if not exclusively, though the media. Journalists play therefore a crucial role as the bridge between science and the public. As a source of information, analysis and critical comment on current events and developments, science journalism performs …

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Genetics for Africa: Strategies & Opportunities

The G4ASO project worked in Africa over 3 years to examine the breadth of genetic research (in plants, animals and humans) across the continent, the extent to which genetic research in and for Africa has a direct relevance to social and economic development, and how well understood and communicated that research is to regulators, decision-makers, …

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Biosciences for Farming in Africa

STI4D helped Cambridge Biomedical Consulting ltd deliver the successful B4FA project, details of which can be found below. In particular, STI4D was responsible for the successful delivery of the B4FA Media Fellowships programme, featured on a separate project page on this website. Rationale World population is forecast to grow to 9 billion by 2050. Meeting the …

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B4FA Media Fellowship – Tanzania

Our Fellowship programme has been running in Tanzania since November 2012. In the first round, STI4D and B4FA welcomed 17 Tanzanian media professionals from print, radio and TV into the Fellowship. They hailed from throughout the United Republic, from Zanzibar and Dar es Salaam to Dodoma and Arusha. The Fellowship programme kicked off with a …

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B4FA Media Fellows – Uganda

Alex Nsubuga – Researcher, Programmer and Producer; CBS Radio.  Alex Nsubuga attained a Bachelors Degree in Mass Communication and a certificate in Investigative Journalism. He is currently a senior journalist with Central Broadcasting Service, producing and researching about Progress on Agricultural Science, Technology and Politics for both 88.8 FM and 89.2 FM. Alex is also …

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B4FA Media Fellowship – Uganda

Our Fellowship programme has been running in Uganda since October 2012. In the first round, STI4D and B4FA welcomed 20 Ugandan media professionals from print, radio and TV into the Fellowship. Many are based in Kampala, but some of our Fellows hail from the regions, from the south west to the east and the north …

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